September 13th, 2024 (Topic Submission Due)

September 23rd, 2024 (First Draft Submission Due to CNSA)

October 21st, 2024 (Final Draft Due to CNSA)

September 2024-October 2024

  • Work with CNSA Resolutions Committee in preparation for the CNSA Convention

November 22nd, 2024 (Start of CNSA Convention)

  • Your resolution along with all other submitted/approved resolutions will be presented to the CNSA House of Delegates (HOD). You will defend your resolution and the HOD will vote on which ONE will be nominated. 

TBA January 2025 (Submission Due to NSNA)

  • IF NOMINATED: In addition to becoming the basis of actions and policies of CNSA, you will have the support of CNSA in submitting, sponsoring, and finalizing your resolution.
  • IF NOT NOMINATED: You still can and SHOULD submit your resolution! The Resolutions Committee can still offer advice and critique; however, it will not have the sponsorship of and submission with CNSA. 

TBA April 2025 (NSNA Convention)